Assignment 2: The Hiring Process

Hiring is one of the most critical aspects of being a leader. In order to have an effective hiring process, there is some important preparation that needs to be done. You and other stakeholders need to create a job description, agree upon a set of key competencies for the position, and develop a set of questions that enable you to interview candidates for those competencies.


For this exercise, select a position you are currently hiring for, or select a position that may have to be filled in your department or organization in the future.

Follow the steps below to create a Hiring Sheet for this position:• Step 1: Develop a Job Description.

o Ifthereisacurrentjobdescription,youcanusethatforthispartoftheexercise. Submit it with your assignment for review.

• Step 2: Identify Key Competencies.

o Select5keycompetenciesforthepositionfromtheListofProfessional Competencies below. You may create one competency of your own, if needed. Explain the rationale if selecting each competency. Why does it relate to the job description?

• Step 3: Rank the Competencies.
o Rankthecompetenciesyouselectedinorder,fromthemostimportant(1)tothe

least important (5), and explain your rationale for the ranking.• Step 4: Create Interview Questions.

o Develop2questionspercompetencyselectedforusewheninterviewing candidates. Your final list of questions for the position will contain 10 questions.

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