British Columbia Institute Building Ecommerce Website Discussion

You are leading the information technology department for a fast-growth e-commerce start-up. You are in charge of development of the company’s Web site. Consider your options for building the site in-house with existing staff or outsourcing the entire operation. Decide which strategy you believe is in your company’s best interest and create a brief presentation outlining your position. Explain why you chose that approach? What are the estimated resource requirements (people [knowledge & skillsets], software & hardware, time,) and associated costs, compared with the alternative? (You’ll need to make some assumptions and some educated guesses here—don’t worry about being exact.)

In determining your decision, consider and discuss the most important factors impacting Web site design (as presented in the course textbook), and how they affect the site’s operation. Failure to pay attention to these factors will adversely affect the operation of a site because users will find the site frustrating to navigate and view, they will have difficulty obtaining information about the products, and they will determine that making a purchase will be far too complicated.

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