Would two identical twins growing up in different neighborhood grow up differently?

Would two identical twins growing up in different neighborhood grow up differently?

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Would you consider a virus living or non-living?

Would you consider a virus living or non-living? Why? How does this agree or disagree with classification scheme applied by the scientific community?

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What is the role of such sexual selection from an evolutionary standpoint?

There is a fierce competition among individuals within any species, humans included, to gain access to reproductive privileges. The “fittest” – a term that signifies the largest, prettiest, and most sexually attractive members, succeed in predominantly mating and having offspring, while the less attractive ones often do not. What is the role of such sexual selection from an evolutionary standpoint?
Instead of engaging in fights over potential mates, what would be the problem of simply mating with family members, say, siblings and other relatives? Isn’t this a more efficient way to spread genes, without the added peril of having to find potential mates, which could be a dangerous, strenuous, and uncertain activity? Why not take that and “run?”

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Which of the following variations could be subject to natural selection?

Which of the following variations could be subject to natural selection?

a) A dog with short legs due to malnutrition is able to crawl into holes better than his litter mates
b) A tree is not infested by a ground-dwelling beetle when the homeowner cuts the lower branches
c) A hyena is born with a spotted fur pattern that allows it to hide in the grass better than his litter mates
d) A pigeon learns than when its keeper comes near it will be fed
e) All of these variations may be acted on by natural selection

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You are taking a cruise from California to Hawaii. About halfway there the ship begins to sink. You are able to board a lifeboat, but now you are floating in the ocean waiting to be rescued. After several days you are so thirsty that you bend over the side of the boat and drink lots of salty seawater. What happens to your body?

You are taking a cruise from California to Hawaii. About halfway there the ship begins to sink. You are able to board a lifeboat, but now you are floating in the ocean waiting to be rescued. After several days you are so thirsty that you bend over the side of the boat and drink lots of salty seawater. What happens to your body?

a) You throw up because sea salt is toxic to humans.
b) You get thirstier because of osmosis.
c) Salt diffuses into your cells, water follows, your cells start to expand and you feel bloated.
d) Since sea water consist of 96.5% fresh water (and only 3.5% salt) you will feel much better.
e) You get dehydrated because water is unable to cross the semi-permeable membranes of your cells.

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What are some of the ways cells communicate similar to the ways we humans communicate with other people or with an organization?

What are some of the ways cells communicate similar to the ways we humans communicate with other people or with an organization? How are they different?

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You are spraying your garden with a pesticide and you accidentally swallow a small amount. You read on the package that this pesticide inhibits ATP synthase. Should you be worried?

You are spraying your garden with a pesticide and you accidentally swallow a small amount. You read on the package that this pesticide inhibits ATP synthase. Should you be worried?

a) ATP synthase is part of the light dependent reaction in photosynthesis; this pesticide will therefore not affect humans. So don’t worry!
b) ATP synthase is an enzyme involved in the citric acid cycle so all animals, humans included, will be affected. Call the doctor.
c) ATP synthase found in the pesticide is a very toxic compound. Call the doctor.
d) ATP synthase is involved in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Call the doctor.
e) ATP synthase inhibitors will not affect humans, but there might be other toxic ingredients in the pesticide, so it is best to call the doctor to be on the safe side.

In the following chemical reaction, what is carbon dioxide (CO2)?
12 H20 + 6 CO2 -> 1 glucose molecule + 6 O2
a) Substrate
b) Product
c) Enzyme
d) Activation factor
e) Independent variable

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What can you conclude about these two animals based on this information?

The ability of fireflies and angler fish to produce light is an example of convergent evolution. What can you conclude about these two animals based on this information?

a) They share a recent common ancestor
b) They are both adapted to environments low in light
c) The ability to produce light is an ancient trait
d) They are found in the same location
e) All of the above

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Which of the following is NOT a feature of DNA?

Which of the following is NOT a feature of DNA?

a) Adenine (A) forms a base pair with thymine (T)
b) Complimentary strands are anti-parallel, running in opposite directions
c) Complimentary strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between phosphate groups
d) Nucleotides within a single strand are connected by covalent bonds
e) All of the above are features of DNA

A man who carries a harmful sex-linked gene on his X chromosome, will pass the gene on to _______________________.

a) all of his daughters
b) half of his daughters
c) all of his sons
d) half of his sons
e) all of his children

A double-stranded DNA molecule that has 22% guanine will have __________.

a) 28% thymine
b) 22% cytosine
c) 44% adenine
d) 26% uracil
e) both A and B are correct

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