Which of the following is the best hypothesis for this experiment?

A group of medical researchers investigated the effects of Drug X on lowering cholesterol levels in a group of men between the ages of 50 and 70 years old. The researchers did the following experiment and obtained the indicated results: One group of 150 men took a tablet containing Drug X for 3 weeks – 95 of these men decreased their cholesterol levels by at least 10% (three men from this group dropped out of the study). Another group of 150 men was given a tablet with no added Drug X for 3 weeks – 10 of these men decreased their cholesterol levels by at least 10% (two men from this group dropped out of the study).
Which of the following is the best hypothesis for this experiment?

a) Will drug X lower cholesterol levels in men between the age of 50 and 70 years?
b) Drug X will lower cholesterol levels in men.
c) Since high cholesterol levels significantly increases several health risks for men, drug X is most likely beneficial.
d) Men between the age of 50 and 70 years will have reduced cholesterol levels if they take drug X over a 3 week period.
e) There is no significant difference in cholesterol levels between men that take drug X and those that don’t take it.

Which of the following was the control group in this experiment?

a) The amount of Drug X contained in the tablet
b) The number of participants in each group at the end of the experiment
c) The group of participants that received tablets containing Drug X
d) The group of participants that received tablets that did not contain Drug X
e) The number of participants in each group at the beginning of the experiment

Which of the following is a dependent variable in this experiment?

a) The amount of Drug X contained in the tablet
b) Participants that received tablets containing Drug X
c) The average age of the participants
d) Number of participants in each group at the beginning of the experiment
e) Blood pressure

Which of the following is anindependent variable in this experiment?

a) The amount of Drug X contained in the tablet
b) Participants that received tablets containing Drug X
c) The average age of the participants
d) Number of participants in each group at the beginning of the experiment
e) Blood pressure

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What is the grasshopper in this situation?

You observe the following outside your window: A grasshopper is munching away on a leaf when a hawk swoops down and eats the grasshopper. What is the grasshopper in this situation?

a) Secondary consumer
b) Prey
c) Herbivore
d) Predator
e) Both b, c and d

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What is the most likely scientific explanation?

The sexually transmissible disease gonorrhea has become increasingly resistant to treatment with antibiotics. What is the most likely scientific explanation?

a) The gonorrhea bacteria learned to avoid antibiotics
b) The gonorrhea bacteria changed their genes when they sensed antibiotics
c) Antibiotic-sensitive gonorrhea bacteria died out, but antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea bacteria have flourished and persisted
d) The antibiotic increased the mutation rate in the gonorrhea bacteria
e) Both b and d

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All cells have a power plant, the mitochondrion. Plant cells have an additional “reactor” for the production of usable energy. It is called the

Think of the cell as a factory, in which the organelles are specialized sites of production. All cells have a power plant, the mitochondrion. Plant cells have an additional “reactor” for the production of usable energy. It is called the ________.

a) golgi body
b) rough endoplasmic reticulum
c) central vacuole
d) vesicle
e) chloroplast

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In which part of the cell cycle does it inhibit cell division?

A chemotherapy drug affects the enzyme DNA polymerase. In which part of the cell cycle does it inhibit cell division?
a) Metaphase
b) S phase
c) G1
d) Cytokinesis
e) Prophase
A researcher planted seeds from four types of tomatoes (Roma, Cherry, Big Boy and Early Girl) in a greenhouse to determine which type of tomatoproduce the largest number of tomatoes per plant. The plants were grown for 70 days under the same temperature and light conditions. The average results for 20 plants of each type are shown below. Choose the data set that demonstrates that Cherry tomatoes produce the largest number of tomatoes per plant.
a) Roma: 20 tomatoes, Cherry: 18 tomatoes, Big Boy: 30 tomatoes, Early Girl: 10 tomatoes
b) Roma: 1.8lbs, Cherry: 2.8lbs, Big Boy: 2.7lbs, Early Girl: 1.0 lbs
c) Roma: 3 cm, Cherry: 1 cm, Big Boy: 10cm, Early Girl: 7 cm
d) Roma: 2 cm, Cherry: 10 cm, Big Boy: 7 cm, Early Girl: 6 cm
e) Roma: 23 tomatoes, Cherry: 28 tomatoes, Big Boy: 10 tomatoes, Early Girl: 27 tomatoes

The majority of climate scientists believe that the current change in climate is caused predominantly by ________.

a) an enhancement of the greenhouse effect
b) a decreased reliance on fossil fuels for energy
c) a thinning of the ozone layer
d) a melting of the polar ice caps
e) an increase in solar radiation

Based on the following phylogenetic tree, which of the following conclusions are *NOT* correct? Each letter represents a hypothetical species.

a) A and E share a common ancestor
b) B is one of A’s ancestors
c) E and D are more closely related to each other than to C
d) C is more closely related to E than to B
e) A and B are closely related

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If these and other such DNA-based technologies become widely used, how might they change the way evolution proceeds, as compared with the natural evolutionary mechanisms of the past almost 4 billion years?

Craig Venter made a new life form (a bacterium) from scratch – essentially from computer database, and a few bottles of chemicals:

If these and other such DNA-based technologies become widely used, how might they change the way evolution proceeds, as compared with the natural evolutionary mechanisms of the past almost 4 billion years?

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Which of the following statements is *NOT* true?

20. Which of the following statements is *NOT* true?

a) The cells resulting from meiosis are diploid and the cells resulting from mitosis are haploid.
b) Meiosis and meiosis both starts with one cell, but meiosis ends with four and mitosis with two.
c) Mitosis produces new cells for growth and repair, meiosis produces gametes.
d) Mitosis goes through cytokinesis once, meiosis goes through cytokinesis twice.
e) Cross over happens in meiosis, but not in mitosis.

21. In the scientific method, a hypothesis ____________.

a) is a statement of fact
b) is a proposed explanation based on observations
c) is usually proven to be correct
d) can only be tested once
e) all of the above

22. To test a hypothesis about a given variable, experimental and control groups are tested in parallel. Which of the following best explains the dual experiments?

a) In the experimental group, a chosen variable is altered in a known way. In the control group, that chosen variable is not altered so a comparison can be made.
b) In the control group, a chosen variable is altered in a known way. In the experimental group, that chosen variable is not altered so a comparison can be made.
c) In the experimental group, a chosen variable plus all other variables are altered. In the control group, the chosen variable is altered; however, all other variables are held constant.
d) In the experimental and control groups, two different variables are altered.
e) Experimental and control group experiments are identical and run in parallel to get repeatable results.

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Which of the following can be considered definitions of “theory”?

. Which of the following can be considered definitions of “theory”?

a) A theory can be an explanation of scientific laws
b) A theory is an integrated explanation of numerous hypotheses, each supported by a large body of observations and experiments
c) A theory is a condensation and simplification of many data that previously appeared unrelated
d) A theory is a prediction for new data suggesting new relationships among a range of natural phenomena
e) All of the above

24. You have formulated a hypothesis that light is necessary for seed germination. To test your hypothesis, one set of lettuce seeds are placed in light with warm temperatures and adequate moisture. Another set of identical seeds are placed in the dark under the same set of conditions. The control in the experiment is ___________.

a) seeds in the dark
b) seeds in the light
c) warm temperature
d) adequate moisture
e) germination rate

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What is biology?

What is biology?

a) The study of life
b) The study of the environment
c) The study of DNA
d) The study of genetics
e) The study of the earth

29. Which of the following groups would contain the largest number of organisms?

a) class
b) order
c) species
d) kingdom
e) family

30. All living organisms _____________.

a) reproduce
b) evolve
c) respond to environmental stimuli
d) have all three characteristics

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