
First you have to write a literature review by reading 10 articles about it which i will upload, and referencing everything

words limits: 3500 to 4500

The introduction

  • The introduction
    1- Explicitly maps out the purpose, scope and content of the assignment – signposting · Purpose
    · Scope – what things will cover in the assignment and what will not be included in the assignment (description) · Content · Signposting (why it’s important) overview not more than 3 lines
  • The discussion
    1- Demonstrate understanding & awareness of significance · Why its important ( in details) 2- Classify – group studies together (themes, sub-topics, progression of debate) · Summarizing all themes together with their each one referencing 3- Be insightful in your review – identify points of interest: From your perspective and others · Going deep on what we will focus on 4- Evaluation – compare different studies/papers · Compare (what is good such as qualities or focusing on the theme) 5- Consider the relative significance of particular studies · How relevant the studies to the new articles to present context. 6- Gaps – identify areas where knowledge is absent/incomplete/deficient 7- Sign-post – needs to flow well · It should be as a story all of it should be linked and connected together 8- Start broad, then get increasingly focused 9- Consider linkages and progression of arguments · Develop the argument 10- Adopt a layered approach · Provide a link
  • The summary
    1- Make (supported) conclusions about previous research – its direction and scope
    · We need to criticism each researcher about the known and unknown about their theme
    2- Reiterate what you found and why it’s important
    3- What questions has your review created?
    · Scope for future researcher

Here are some of the journals where you might find relevant material:

Consumption, Markets and Culture

European Journal of Marketing

International Journal of Research in Marketing

Journal of Consumer Culture

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Management

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Marketing Science

Journal of Retailing

Marketing Intelligence & Planning

DO NOT WRITE IN THE FIRST PERSON (i.e. ‘I think that…etc.). This makes the work appear less objective and more like an essay on what you did on your holidays.

List all your references in full at the end of your work using a consistent approach e.g. Harvard.

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