Creating a GUI Questions programming homework help

The final project meets the requirements as listed below (fill in the blanks):_x000D_
Required items (must earn all 20 points in items 1-8 to get full credit on the final project):_x000D_
1)	(4 pts: 2 pts per class) Write and use at least 2 classes (you can count a driver class as one of these classes)._x000D_
The first class I wrote was ________________________.  The purpose of this class is ________________________._x000D_
The second class I wrote was ________________________.  The purpose of this class is ________________________._x000D_
2)	(2 pts) Write and use at least 2 constructors; only one constructor can be no-arg._x000D_
The first constructor is found in the file ________________________ on line ________________________.  The header for the constructor is ________________________._x000D_
The second constructor is found in the file ________________________ on line ________________________.  The header for the constructor is ________________________._x000D_
3)	(2 pts) Write (and use) appropriate getters and setters for your private instance variables (you must have at least one getter and at least one setter)._x000D_
A getter is found in the file ________________________ on line ________________________.  It is called in the file ________________________ on line ________________________._x000D_
Another getter is found in the file ________________________ on line ________________________.  It is called in the file ________________________ on line ________________________._x000D_
4)	(3 pts) Use a decision (e.g. if-else)._x000D_
A decision is used in the file ________________________ on line ________________________ to do ________________________._x000D_
5)	(3 pts) Use a loop (e.g. for, while)._x000D_
A loop is used in the file ________________________ on line ________________________ to do ________________________._x000D_
6)	(2 pts) Write and use a method, other than a getter, that returns a value._x000D_
The method ________________________ is defined in the file ________________________ on line ________________________.  The method header is ________________________.  This method is called in the file ________________________ on line ________________________._x000D_
7)	(2 pts) Write and use a method, other than a setter, that has two or more parameters._x000D_
The method ________________________ is defined in the file ________________________ on line ________________________.  The method header is ________________________.  This method is called in the file ________________________ on line ________________________._x000D_
8) (2 pts) Ensure your program does not have any run-time errors.  You should not assume a nice user.  You may need to implement exception handling to meet this requirement (which counts toward the extra requirements category below)._x000D_
Optional items (must earn 10 points from these options to get full credit on the final project):_x000D_
9)	(2 pts) Use an array._x000D_
An array is declared in the file ________________________ on line ________________________.  It is initialized in the file ________________________ on line ________________________, and the contents of the array are accessed in the file ________________________ on line ________________________._x000D_
10)	(2 pts) Overload at least one method that is not a constructor._x000D_
The method ________________________ is overloaded.  The overloaded versions of the methods are declared in the file ________________________ on lines ________________________._x000D_
11)	(3 pts) Perform file I/O.  You choose whether to read and/or write a file.  You choose whether to use a text file or a binary file (you’ll need to look up examples for binary file I/O, as no reading on it will be assigned).  Note that calling the write() method on a Picture or Sound object does NOT count.  If you decide to read or write a text file, you MUST use the Scanner and/or PrintWriter classes as discussed during the class (and demoed in the FileCopy project)._x000D_
File I/O is performed in the file ________________________ on lines ________________________.  ________________________ is (written to/read from) the file ________________________._x000D_
12)	(2 pts) Write a try-catch block to perform exception handling. Your header for your main() method should NOT say "throws Exception" (Hints: You’ll need use a try-catch to do file I/O.  Consult the Java API for possible exceptions that various methods can throw.)._x000D_
A try-catch block is found on lines ________________________ of the file ________________________._x000D_
13)	(2 pts) Utilize inheritance: write and use your own class that extends another class (either one that you write yourself, or one that is part of the bookClasses or the standard Java API)._x000D_
A class that inherits from another class is ________________________, in the file ________________________._x000D_
14)	(1 pt) Override a superclass method and use the @Override annotation (Hint: You’ll probably do this to implement event handling)._x000D_
A superclass method that is overridden is found on line ________________________ of the file ________________________._x000D_
15)	(2 pts) Utilize polymorphism.  In your requirements file, you must explain how your code is polymorphic in order to earn these points._x000D_
Polymorphism is found in the file ________________________ on lines ________________________.  This code is polymorphic because ________________________._x000D_
16)	(2 pts) Write and use an abstract class._x000D_
An abstract class is found in the file ________________________ on lines ________________________.  It is used in the file ________________________ on lines ________________________._x000D_
17)	(1 pt) Accept keyboard input.  Note: If you do not create a GUI, this should be done using the Scanner class.  If you do create a GUI, you should use a text box or another similar input gathering component; you should NOT expect the user to type input outside of your GUI window(s)._x000D_
Keyboard input is accepted by the code in the file ________________________ on line ________________________._x000D_
18)	(1 pt) Display output to the screen.  Note: If you do not create a GUI, this should be done using System.out.println.  If you do create a GUI, to earn credit for this, some text-displaying component must change while the program is running._x000D_
Output is displayed to the screen in the file ________________________ on line ________________________._x000D_
19)	(2 pts per component, up to 6 pts) Use the following components, handling events that they generate (you cannot just use 3 of the same type of component - you must use 3 different components).  Each component must DO something in the final version of the project - it can’t just be decorative:_x000D_
a)	JLabel_x000D_
b)	JTextField_x000D_
c)	JButton_x000D_
d)	JCheckBox_x000D_
e)	JRadioButton (don’t forget to use a ButtonGroup)_x000D_
f)	JComboBox_x000D_
g)	JList_x000D_
h)	JTextArea_x000D_
i)	JSlider_x000D_
j)	Some other Java Swing component (list the name of the component below)_x000D_
The three components we used were:_x000D_
________________________ created on line _______ of ________.java_x000D_
________________________ created on line _______ of ________.java_x000D_
________________________ created on line _______ of ________.java_x000D_
20)	(1 pt per layout manager used) Use the layout managers listed below: _x000D_
a)	FlowLayout_x000D_
b)	BorderLayout_x000D_
c)	GridLayout_x000D_
The FlowLayout manager was applied to ________________ on line _______ of ________.java_x000D_
The BorderLayout manager was applied to ________________ on line _______ of ________.java_x000D_
The GridLayout manager was applied to ________________ on line _______ of ________.java_x000D_
21)	(1 pt) Use a JPanel (Hint: You’ll need to do this in order to use more than one layout manager)._x000D_
A JPanel instantiation can be found on line _______ of ________.java_x000D_
22)	(2 pt) Use an inner class or an anonymous inner class (Hint: You’ll want to do this in order to handle events and make your components DO something)._x000D_
An inner class (or an anonymous inner class) can be found on lines ____ - ____ of  The name of this inner class (if it was not anonymous) is _______________._x000D_
23)	(1 pt) Use a non-default font somewhere in your GUI by utilizing the method setFont().  Note that you can draw your text as a String - you don’t need to change the text on any particular component._x000D_
A non-default font is found on line _______ of
24)	(1 pt) Use a non-default color somewhere in your GUI._x000D_
25)	(1 pt per graphic type drawn) Draw the graphics (shapes) listed:_x000D_
a)	lines_x000D_
b)	rectangles_x000D_
c)	ovals_x000D_
A line was drawn on line _______ of
A rectangle was drawn on line _______ of
An oval was drawn on line _______ of
26)	(1 pt) Call repaint() somewhere in your code, to immediately refresh the graphics in some component._x000D_
repaint() is called on line _______ of
27)	(2 pts) Handle mouse events, like movement and clicking.  Note that clicking on a button does not count as a mouse event - you must actually do mouse event handling, which means you must implement at least one of the methods from the MouseListener or MouseMotionListener interfaces.  Alternately, you may use an adapter class._x000D_
Mouse _____________ (movement or clicking) was handled by the code on lines _______________ of the file ____________________._x000D_
28)	(1 pt) Have a menu system._x000D_
A menu system is implemented in lines _________________ of the file _________________._x000D_
29)	(?? pts) Propose your own requirement by posting a private note on Piazza.  Make sure to get your requirement approved before the final submission deadline!_x000D_
The additional requirement that was approved was _____________________, worth _______ points.  The implementation of this requirement is in the file _______________ on lines ________________. 

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