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Turnover CalculationsThis week, you examined the types of employee turnover and the various HR metrics available to assist in reducing the expense of turnover for organizations. Many organizations express concern about turnover because of the high costs of hiring and training new employees. Although not all turnover is negative, organizations can benefit from being able to measure and quantify it.For your Discussion this week, consider the data below the table titled “Model for Costing Lost Productivity” found in Chapter 5 (p. 165) of the Mathis, Jackson, and Valentine course text.With these thoughts in mind:Submit by Wednesday 7-13-16 a substantive response of at least 450 words, which includes a brief interpretation of the data presented, your reaction to the data, and the reason for your reaction. Explain a possible reason for the turnover costs and the possible implications of the data for human resource professionals and organizations. Provide at least one potential solution for reducing turnover rate that could enable an organization to promote positive social change. Explain how your solution would promote positive social change.Support your work with specific citations from the Learning Resources. You are allowed to draw from additional sources to support your work, but you must cite using APA standards. All quoted material must be identified, cited, and referenced per APA standards.

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