NAME THE MOST COMMONLY REPORTED LESION SITE FOR CANINE LEPROID GRANULOMA AND NAME ONE (1) AT-RISK BREED.Identify the causal agent of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep (provide genus and

NAME THE MOST COMMONLY REPORTED LESION SITE FOR CANINE LEPROID GRANULOMA AND NAME ONE (1) AT-RISK BREED.Identify the causal agent of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep (provide genus and

1. Name the most commonly reported lesion site for canine leproid granuloma and name
one (1) at-risk breed. (1 mark)
2. Identify the causal agent of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep (provide genus and
species). (1 mark)
3. Sporothrix is a temperature dependent dimorphic fungus. Name the form that exists at
environmental temperatures (25–30°C) and the form that exists at body temperature
(37–39°C). (1 mark)
4. Apart from malassezia, dermatophytes, candida and Cryptococcus, name (to genus
level) a fungus that has recently been reported to cause otitis externa in dogs.
(1 mark)
5. Name the virus that causes contagious ecthyma (orf/scabby mouth). (1 mark)
6. Name a test that is able to differentiate Neospora caninum infection from toxoplasma
gondii infection in dogs. (1 mark)
7. Name the two (2) major shock organs in anaphylaxis in the dog. (1 mark)
8. The canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index 4 (CADESI – 4) is used to
assess the severity of canine atopic dermatitis in dogs. Name the three (3) lesion
criteria that are assessed in this index. (1 mark)
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9. Name two (2) feline skin diseases characterized histopathologically by
hyperkeratosis, apoptosis, cell poor interface dermatitis with involvement of CD 3+
CD 8+ lymphocytes. (1 mark)
10. Name the homozygous mutation in the Golden retriever dog that causes autosomal
recessive congenital ichthyosis. (1 mark)
11. In hereditary nasal parakeratosis of the Labrador retriever name the characteristic
epidermal histopathological feature present (in addition to diffuse parakeratotic
hyperkeratosis and inflammation). (1 mark)
12. Name the laboratory technique which has been reported to most accurately confirm
the diagnosis of hereditary equine regional dermal aesthenia (HERDA). (1 mark)
13. Name one (1) canine and one (1) feline disease associated with the histopathological
finding of excessive cutaneous mucin. (1 mark)
14. Name three (3) breeds of cat reported to be affected with urticaria pigmentosa.
(1 mark)
15. Name one (1) breed of dog and one (1) breed of cat reported to be affected by vitiligo.
(1 mark)
16. Briefly outline the process whereby firocoxib reduces epidermal proliferation in the
treatment of solar dermatosis in the dog. (1 mark)
17. List two (2) diagnostic procedures which have been reported to aid in the diagnosis of
primary secretory otitis media (PSOM) in humans but have been shown to be less
useful than otoscopy, myringotomy, CT and MRI in dogs. (1 mark)
18. Name three (3) aetiological causes of sterile nodular panniculitis in the dog.
(1 mark)
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19. Name two (2) infectious diseases that have been identified by PCR in dogs previously
diagnosed with sterile granuloma/pyogranuloma syndrome. (1 mark)
20. List two (2) dermatological lesions seen in feline hyperadrenocorticism which are not
typically seen in canine hyperadrenocorticism. (1 mark)
21. Name an endocrinopathy reported to be associated with hepatocutaneous syndrome.
(1 mark)
22. Name the papillomavirus most frequently detected in feline Bowenoid in situ
carcinoma. (1 mark)
23. Name two (2) proliferation markers that have been reported as prognostic indicators
in canine mast cell tumours. (1 mark)
24. State the mode of action of toceranib (Palladia®) in the treatment of mast cell
tumours. (1 mark)
25. Name the most common immunophenotype of T lymphocytes in canine
epitheliotropic lymphoma. (1 mark)
26. Name a cell surface marker that is positive in histiocytoma and negative in reactive
cutaneous histiocytosis. (1 mark)
27. Name one (1) immunohistochemical marker that could assist in the diagnosis of a
melanoma. (1 mark)
28. Name the key feature differentiating Sezary syndrome from other forms of cutaneous
epitheliotropic T cell lymphoma. (1 mark)
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29. Name the enzyme encoded for in the DNA vaccine Oncept® which has been used to
treat canine melanoma. (1 mark)
30. Name one (1) of the two (2) techniques reported in a recent scientific paper that was
used to assess transepidermal water loss in cats. (1 mark)


smilesmile. .


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