Physician Collaborative Agreement by Yanelis Groobman
Collaborative Practice Agreement for Advanced Practice Nurses
Physician Collaborative Agreement by Yanelis Groobman
Submission date: 06-Apr-2018 11:48AM (UTC-0400) Submission ID: 942173205 File name: CollaborationAgreement..docx (22.55K) Word count: 3068 Character count: 169831
25/0 Physician Collaborative Agreement GRADEMARK REPORT
Sp. This word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proof read your work.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Missing “,” You may need to place a comma af ter this word.
Article Error You may need to remove this article.
Run-on This sentence may be a run-on sentence. Proof read it to see if it contains too many independent clauses or contains independent clauses that have been combined without conjunctions or punctuation. Look at the “Writer’s Handbook” f or advice about correcting run- on sentences.
P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Sentence Cap. Remember to capitalize the f irst word of each sentence.
S/V This subject and verb may not agree. Proof read the sentence to make sure the subject agrees
with the verb.
Missing “,” You may need to place a comma af ter this word.
Proper Noun If this word is a proper noun, you need to capitalize it.
Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.
Article Error You may need to remove this article.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Confused You have used personnel in this sentence. You may need to use personal instead.
Confused You have used personnel in this sentence. You may need to use personal instead.
Garbled Grammatical or spelling errors make the meaning of this sentence unclear. Proof read the sentence to correct the mistakes.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Garbled Grammatical or spelling errors make the meaning of this sentence unclear. Proof read the sentence to correct the mistakes.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Sp. This word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proof read your work.
P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.
Sp. This word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proof read your work.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Run-on This sentence may be a run-on sentence. Proof read it to see if it contains too many independent clauses or contains independent clauses that have been combined without conjunctions or punctuation. Look at the “Writer’s Handbook” f or advice about correcting run- on sentences.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Confused You have used of in this sentence. You may need to use have instead.
P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Run-on This sentence may be a run-on sentence. Proof read it to see if it contains too many independent clauses or contains independent clauses that have been combined without conjunctions or punctuation. Look at the “Writer’s Handbook” f or advice about correcting run- on sentences.
P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.
Confused You have used personnel in this sentence. You may need to use personal instead.
Confused You have used led in this sentence. You may need to use lead instead.
P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.
Confused You have used personnel in this sentence. You may need to use personal instead.
Sentence Cap. Remember to capitalize the f irst word of each sentence.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word. Consider using the article the
Confused You have used Personnel in this sentence. You may need to use personal instead.
Confused You have used personnel in this sentence. You may need to use personal instead.
Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.
Confused You have used personnel in this sentence. You may need to use personal instead.
Comment 1
Voluntary relationship between practit ioners/providers
Mutual benef it exists in partnership outcomes.
Partners have agreed on an internal set of goals or a shared vision f or the partnership.
Partnership actively works towards mutually benef icial outcomes; those outcomes are clearly understood and publicly communicated.
- Physician Collaborative Agreement
- by Yanelis Groobman
- Physician Collaborative Agreement
- Instructor