Why are health care professionals required to gain consent/assent before providing treatment and care?

Why are health care professionals required to gain consent/assent before providing treatment and care?

Order Description

introduction: define your topic(consent) and how you are going to construct your essay

the essay is in subheadings

first sub-heading
Discuss national and international ethical frameworks fro healthcare that influence ethical decision making re:consent

-ethical frameworks can include:Helsinki declaration , Beauchamp & childress principle of health care ethics(how and why do they hold a place of importance for the

notion of consent?)

second subheading
Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in explaining the importance of consent to care and treatment.compare 2 different ethical

theories that guide ethical decision-making in regard to consent

third subheading
Discus nursing code of ethics(Australia).identify if it offers any guidance regarding consentand if so what does it say?on what ethical grounds does it base the

significance of consent

fourth subheading
Differentiate between ethical and legal issues in health care in gaining consent from vulnerable patient cohorts.
-from your research compare nursing requirements for consent with other medical profession (see Kerridge et al
discuss the law of consent
discuss ethical principles or concepts that informs this law
patient’s competence to consent
patient’s understanding of the benefits and risks of intervention and non intervention
is the patient’s reasonable to refusal of treatment respected?
beneficience vs respect for patient autonomy
duty of care vs respect for patient autonomy

fifth sub-heading
Identify social and spiritual factors that influence the health professional’s values and beliefs in ethical decision making
cultural norms vs legal requirements

briefly sum up your discusion

Recommended references

Beauchamp, T., & Childress, J. (2009). Principles of biomedical ethics (6th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Berglund, C. (2012). Ethics for health care (4th ed.). South Melbourne: Oxford
Catholic Health Australia. (2001). Code of ethical standards for Catholic health and aged care.

Retrieved from http://www.cha.org.au.
Freegard, H. (2012). Ethical practice for health professionals (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Cengage

Kerridge, I., Lowe, M., & McPhee, J. (2009). Ethics and law for the health professions (3rd ed.). Sydney: The Federation Press.

Morrison, E. (2009). Health care ethics: Critical issues for the 21st century. (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Further references


smilesmile. .


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