
Complete the following research assignment:

  1. Using the assigned readings in the text, and the assigned readings from the Troy Global Campus Library and
  2. Using the additional research from the Troy Global Campus Library

Prepare a 3 to 5 page critical essay that addresses the following topic:

Compare and contrast the management philosophies of any TWO of the following theorists: Drucker, Blanchard, Deming, Porter, Collins WITH and TWO of the following theorists: Follett, Minztberg, Weber, Taylor

Your assignment will be evaluated with the Writing Assessment and Evaluation rubric:

Writing Assessment and Evaluation

Writing Assessment and Evaluation

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponds fully to the assignment


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresents a manifest topic statement identifying the issue and the position


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExercises good critical thinking


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExpresses its purpose clearly and persuasively throughout


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInvokes and uses disciplinary facts correctly


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvides adequate supporting arguments with reasons, evidence, and examples


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs focused, well organized, and unified


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUses direct language that is appropriate for the audience


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInvokes discerning sources when appropriate


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrectly documents and cites sources


4.0 pts


3.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

2.0 pts


1.0 pts


0.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and format


5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

3.0 pts


2.0 pts


1.0 pts

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDisplays originality and creativity


5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Not Quite Adequate

3.0 pts


2.0 pts


1.0 pts

5.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0

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I have attached all the files that you will need to answer these questions and I have named the files to the question its for.

1) (a) After viewing Martha Graham’s “Lamentation,” read Lisa C. Arkin’s short essay “Dancing the Body.” By using the tube costume in Graham’s piece, how has she helped “destroy assumptions and social constraints imposed on how we value our bodies and how we use them to create and communicate” (Arkin, first paragraph). Reflect on how women’s bodies “serve mainly as an icon of beauty” in Western traditional dance and how Graham has instead used the body as a “creative source of energy.”

^^^ Martha Graham video for question 1a & use file #1 named “FOR QUESTION #1a (Dancing the Body)”

1) (b) After viewing Martha Graham’s works, discuss how the female dancers in the clips use their pelvis as the “core of their movement” as discussed on pages 30-33 of the Henrietta Bannerman essay “Female Empowerment.” Use quotes from the essay as well as observations from the clip.

^^^^^ Martha Graham’s Appalachian video for question 1b & use file 2 named “FOR QUESTION #1b (Female Empowerment)”

2) From the interview with Martha Clarke, briefly outline some highlights of her career.

^^^^^ Women in theatre; Martha Clarke video for question 2

3) After watching the documentary on Katherine Dunham, reflect on Dunham’s “deeper meaning” of dance. What does Dunham believe dance’s purpose is? How did her trip to Haiti and Jamaica change her focus in dance? How can dance help people discover their roots? How can dance make a difference in people’s lives?

^^^^^ KETC video for question 3

4) Urban Bush Women explore the identity of black women in today’s society through dance. Their dance “celebrates our common humanity.” Discuss how UBW use emotion and real life to inform and create their dances. Use both the short documentary video and the Gonzales reading (Urban Bush Women) in your answer. Think about notions of communal unity and shared history through trauma as discussed in Gonzales’ essay.

^^^^^ VCU Dance video for question 4 & use file 3 named “FOR QUESTION #4 (Urban Bush Women)”

5) Discuss how Pina Bausch’s works revolve around human relationships. Use Martha Bremser’s article (10 50 Contemp Choreo). Think about how she “test[s] the expressive possibilities of dance” (Bremser 27) in her work.

^^^ use file 4 named “FOR QUESTION #5 (10 50 Contemp Choreo)”

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one page a focus about the article that I uploaded

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When conducting forensic assessments, it is important for forensic mental health professionals to have a thorough understanding of the following:

  • Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct Including 2010 Amendments
  • Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology: Adopted by APA Council of Representatives

Ethical issues are commonly present when completing forensic assessments. Read the scenario below and discuss the ethical issues therein.

Dr. Smith was contacted by the District County Attorney’s office to evaluate Mr. Doe as part of a sexually violent predator civil commitment hearing. Dr. Smith agreed to complete the evaluation and contacted the prison facility, where Mr. Doe was being held, to schedule an appointment.

Upon arrival at the prison, Mr. Doe’s attorney indicated that he wanted to be present for the interview and psychological testing. Dr. Smith agreed, and they proceeded with the interview. During the interview, while discussing his sex offense history, Mr. Doe admitted to offending against two adult females. He also reported offending against his three-year-old daughter. He indicated that his relationship with his wife, although rocky at times, is generally supportive. Upon inquiry, he reported a history of domestic abuse, which was never reported. He explained that due to his arrest and incarceration, his wife has had to find a job to be able to continue to afford their housing. He reported that he previously worked as a general maintenance worker at a local trucking company. He explained that he cheated on his wife with a coworker, who has since stopped all communication. He indicated that this coworker used to visit and send him letters and money when he was first “locked up.” He reported that he was angry that she ceased all communication, without explanation, and spoke of her with rage and hostility. He said, “If I ever see her again, I’ll kill her.”

During the administration of the psychological tests, Mr. Doe asked to use the restroom once and was provided another five-minute break. There was a great deal of background noise throughout the interview and administration. On two occasions, Mr. Doe asked his attorney how he should answer the question. He was advised, and he answered as such. Upon the completion of testing, Dr. Smith thanked Mr. Doe and his attorney for their time and indicated that he would see them in court.

If released, Mr. Doe will return to his home with his wife and two daughters. He has reported to the prison staff that he will also return to his previous job and may enroll in vocational classes at an area community college.


As a forensic mental health professional, discuss the ethical issues in the scenario. Refer to the following resources:

  • American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct including 2010 amendments. Retrieved from
  • American Psychology-Law Society. (2011). Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology: Adopted by APA Council of Representatives [Unofficial version]. Retrieved from…

Write a 5- to 6-page report in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:

  • Identify the appropriate APA ethical code(s) and the specialty guidelines that may apply to this scenario.
  • Examine the limits of confidentiality. How might those limits be affected by some of the information contained in the scenario?
  • Discuss specific circumstances in the case study in which there might be a duty to report or duty to warn.
  • Explain the limitations of what the evaluator can and cannot say.
  • Discuss the implications of the third-party observer to the overall evaluation.
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Week 1: Dialogue


One of the goals of finance management is to maximize shareholder wealth. In an initial post of 300 words or less, discuss the advantages and disadvantages from the standpoint of the company. Select a passage from the Bible and its related parable and identify what benefit does this provide to our beliefs.

Support your post with two scholarly journal references from outside sources and/or Regent University database.

in 125 words or less in APA format, supporting or challenging their beliefs.

Below is my fellow students response to the original post that I need to respond to.

One of the goals of financial management is to maximize shareholder wealth. While there are many advantages to this, the disadvantages of this goal cannot be taken lightly. One disadvantage is that it is not a simple task since the financial manager cannot controls the stock price of the firm directly; they can only act in a way that coincides with the desires of the shareholders. While the economy is up, there is not much to worry about, however, the stock market is unpredictable and outside of the control of the of the financial manager. The advantages to financial management include organization and better planning when it comes to data, more stability within the company, and more maximization of the wealth of the shareholders as well as the company.

It’s best to prepare today for the needs of tomorrow.

In the parable of the ant and the grasshopper, we learn that it is better to be prepared and plan for the future. “Go to the ant, you lazybones! Consider its ways and be wise. Without having any captain or officer or ruler, it prepares its food in summer, and gathers its sustenance in harvest” (Prov. 6:6-9, NRSV). Financial management can relate to the parable in Proverbs of the ant and the grasshopper, as the ant prepares its food in the summer for the long winter that it knows it is about to embark on. Similarly, financial managers need to plan not only for the future of each individual client and the shareholders wealth yet also for the possible rise and falls of the stock market and the economic situation. Hard work and planning is always more rewarding than just breezing by taking the easy way out, and although there may be trials faced in the process they will be well worth the overcoming of each challenge.


Chandra, P. (2010). Fundamentals of financial management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

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I need for tomorrow, the last time is 11:00 Am. (900 words) include presentation, conclusion and references.

Cultural competence (APA, use research articles to support your work, and provide examples) discuss a nurse theorist whose work contributed to the development of holistic nursing: also include the components of nursing metaparadigm (person, health, enviroment y nursing) relate each term to healing and wholeness.

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Required Resources

Iacobucci, D. (2014). MM4: Marketing management (4th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Case Pack MKT500: Marketing Management. Ann Arbor, MI: XanEdu.

Supplemental Resources

Heilman, C. M., Bowman, D., & Wright, G. P. (2000). The evolution of brand preferences and choice behaviors of consumers new to a market. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2), 139-155. doi:10.1509/jmkr.

Johnson, P. (2012). Buzzle: Marketing Mix Strategy. Retrieved from

Keller, E., & Fay, B. (2012). Word-of-mouth advocacy: A new key to advertising effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research, 52(4), 459-464. doi:10.2501/JAR-52-4-459-464

Noseworthy, T., & Trudel, R. (2011). Looks interesting, but what does it do?? Evaluation of incongruent product form depends on positioning. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 48(6), 1008-1019. doi:10.1509/jmr.10.0384

PaloAltoSoftware (2013). Free Sample Marketing Plans. Retrieved on June 18, 2013 from

Rocks, S., Gilmore, A., & Carson, D. (2005). Developing strategic marketing through the use of marketing networks. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 13(2), 81-92. doi:10.1080/0965254050008293

Sheth, J. N. (2012). The reincarnation of relationship marketing. Marketing News, 46(16), 11.

Zou, S., & Volz, Y. Z. (2010). An integrated theory of global advertising: An application of the GMS theory. International Journal of Advertising, 29(1), 57-84. doi:10.2501/S0265048709201038

Assignment 2: Part B: Your Marketing Plan

Worth 240 points

In Assignment 2, using the same company from Assignment 1, you will focus on the company’s mission, introduction, and branding.

Note: You may create and /or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a five (5) page paper in which you:

  1. Develop a branding strategy for your product that covers the brand name, logo, slogan, and at least one (1) brand extension.
  2. Assemble a marketing strategy for your product, and determine an appropriate time table to implement your plan). Provide a rationale for your response.
  3. Prepare a positioning statement. Include a perceptual map that shows your company’s position against its competitors. From this map, create a statement that depicts your position. For example, “Our product is the fastest in its class for half the price.” Note: See pp. 54 – 55 in the textbook for examples of perceptual maps. You may use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or other equivalent software to create your perceptual map.
  4. Examine the relevant consumer behavior for your target market. Explain the main reasons why the brand name, logo, slogan, brand extension, as well as the positioning statement and marketing strategy are right for the identified target market.
  5. Develop your company’s mission statement and company introduction.
  6. Use at least four (4) academic resources as quantitative marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product / service. These resources should be industry specific and relate to your chosen product / service. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the marketing framework including the concepts of the 5Cs, STP, and 4Ps.
  • Examine the marketing science of customer behavior and products in the marketing exchange process and create dynamic strategies for competing.
  • Evaluate the basis for market segmentation and approaches to segmentation.
  • Evaluate target customer segments and positioning products within these segments.
  • Examine the marketing science of customer behavior and products in the marketing exchange process and create dynamic strategies for competing.
  • Develop branding strategies for existing and new products.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in marketing management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about marketing management using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric found here.

Points: 240

Assignment 2: Part B: Your Marketing Plan



Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Develop a branding strategy for your product that covers the brand name, logo, slogan, and at least one (1) brand extension.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely developed a branding strategy for your product that covers the brand name, logo, slogan, and at least one (1) brand extension.

Partially developed a branding strategy for your product that covers the brand name, logo, slogan, and at least one (1) brand extension.

Satisfactorily developed a branding strategy for your product that covers the brand name, logo, slogan, and at least one (1) brand extension.

Thoroughly developed a branding strategy for your product that covers the brand name, logo, slogan, and at least one (1) brand extension.

2. Assemble a marketing strategy for your product, and determine an appropriate time table to implement your plan). Provide a rationale for your response.
Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely assembled a marketing strategy for your product, and did not submit or incompletely determined an appropriate time table to implement your plan). Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response.

Partially assembled a marketing strategy for your product, and partially determined an appropriate time table to implement your plan). Partially provided a rationale for your response.

Satisfactorily assembled a marketing strategy for your product, and satisfactorily determined an appropriate time table to implement your plan). Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response.

Thoroughly assembled a marketing strategy for your product, and thoroughly determined an appropriate time table to implement your plan). Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.

3. Prepare a positioning statement. Include a perceptual map that shows your company’s position against its competitors. From this map, create a statement that depicts your position.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely prepared a positioning statement. Did not submit or incompletely included a perceptual map that shows your company’s position against its competitors. From this map, did not submit or incompletely created a statement that depicts your position.

Partially prepared a positioning statement. Partially included a perceptual map that shows your company’s position against its competitors. From this map, partially created a statement that depicts your position.

Satisfactorily prepared a positioning statement. Satisfactorily included a perceptual map that shows your company’s position against its competitors. From this map, satisfactorily created a statement that depicts your position.

Thoroughly prepared a positioning statement. Thoroughly included a perceptual map that shows your company’s position against its competitors. From this map, thoroughly created a statement that depicts your position.

4. Examine the relevant consumer behavior for your target market. Explain the main reasons why the brand name, logo, slogan, brand extension, as well as the positioning statement and marketing strategy are right for the identified target market.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely examined the relevant consumer behavior for your target market. Did not submit or incompletely explained the main reasons why the brand name, logo, slogan, brand extension, as well as the positioning statement and marketing strategy are right for the identified target market.

Partially examined the relevant consumer behavior for your target market. Partially explained the main reasons why the brand name, logo, slogan, brand extension, as well as the positioning statement and marketing strategy are right for the identified target market.

Satisfactorily examined the relevant consumer behavior for your target market. Satisfactorily explained the main reasons why the brand name, logo, slogan, brand extension, as well as the positioning statement and marketing strategy are right for the identified target market.

Thoroughly examined the relevant consumer behavior for your target market. Thoroughly explained the main reasons why the brand name, logo, slogan, brand extension, as well as the positioning statement and marketing strategy are right for the identified target market.

5. Develop your company’s mission statement and company introduction.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely developed your company’s mission statement and company introduction.

Partially developed your company’s mission statement and company introduction.

Satisfactorily developed your company’s mission statement and company introduction.

Thoroughly developed your company’s mission statement and company introduction.

6. 3 references

Weight: 5%

No references provided.

Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.

Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

7. Writing Mechanics, Grammar, and Formatting

Weight: 5%

Serious and persistent errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

Partially free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

Error free or almost error free grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

8. Appropriate use of APA in-text citations and reference section

Weight: 5%

Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference section.

In-text citations and references are provided, but they are only partially formatted correctly in APA style.

Most in-text citations and references are provided, and they are generally formatted correctly in APA style.

In-text citations and references are error free or almost error free and consistently formatted correctly in APA style.

9. Information Literacy / Integration of Sources

Weight: 5%

Serious errors in the integration of sources, such as intentional or accidental plagiarism, or failure to use in-text citations.

Sources are partially integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

Sources are mostly integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

Sources are consistently integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

10. Clarity and Coherence of Writing

Weight: 5%

Information is confusing to the reader and fails to include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas

Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and evidence that logically support ideas

Information is mostly clear and generally supported with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas

Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas

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This week we learned about the presidency, the powers of the presidency, and the unique way our president is elected via the Electoral College. In this assignment you will be guided in creating a complete argument regarding whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated.

This activity will be useful practice in how to create and present and thoughtful argument. The ability to create and communicate a thoughtful argument will help you out in future studies and in any career.

Your essay must be at least 500 words long.

Follow these steps to create an argument in the form of an essay:

Step 1: In one or two very clear sentences state whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated. This is called writing a thesis statement.

Step 2: In three paragraphs describing three (3) arguments that support your position regarding the Electoral College. Give each argument one paragraph. Do not just list three arguments in support of your position regarding the Electoral College. You must tell the reader why each of your three arguments supports your position on the Electoral College.

Step 3: In three paragraphs describe three (3) arguments that go against your position regarding the Electoral College. This is called addressing counterarguments. Give each counterargument one paragraph. Describe the counterargument and then tell the reader of your essay why that counterargument should be dismissed.

Step 4: Write one paragraph concluding your essay. Restate your initial position on the Electoral College. And review the one or two arguments that you found to be the most compelling in support of your position.

Step 5: Write a reference list. In any good argument you will present your ideas but then include evidence from credible external sources to support your ideas. Always include a reference list.

In outline form your paper should look like this.

  1. Introduction: Thesis statement of your position regarding the Electoral College.
  2. Three arguments supporting your position.
    1. Describe argument 1 and why it supports your position.
    2. Describe argument 2 and why it supports your position.
    3. Describe argument 3 and why it supports your position.
  3. Three counter arguments opposing your position.
    1. Describe counter argument 1 and why it is not sufficient.
    2. Describe counter argument 2 and why it is not sufficient.
    3. Describe counter argument 3 and why it is not sufficient.
  4. Conclusion paragraph.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.

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Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to place students in the active role of a marketing manager with a problem threatening the organization’s survival. Students will respond to a specific scenario that requires them to address the concepts both critically and creatively to solve the scenario’s dilemma.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Marketing: Ch. 2: pg. 40-46, 54-69; Ch. 3: pg. 72-92; Ch. 8: pg. 207-227; Ch. 9: pg. 242-257; Week 2 video

Scenario: You are the marketing manager for a local nonprofit charity whose funding is based on membership fees. You’ve noticed a severe drop in new memberships and a decline in repeat memberships, which is threatening your organization’s ability to survive and grow. You have decided to implement the Five-Step Marketing Research Process to help understand the problem and create solution strategies to implement.

Create a 15 to 20 slide (not counting the cover slide and reference slide) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker’s notes on the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach detailing how you will use each step to solve the membership issue the local nonprofit charity is facing.

Address the following in your role as marketing manager:

  • Define the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach and discuss the importance of research in marketing.
  • Describe each step of the Marketing Research Approach (one slide for each step) in detail including its goal, and create an example aligned to the scenario above to illustrate how that stage would be implemented toward the problem’s solution.
  • Define the two types of research data this process gathers and their pros and cons. Share examples of each type that would be useful in solving the scenario.
  • Compare and contrast the Five-Step Process with two alternative methods for conducting marketing research. What are the pros and cons of each?
  • Define what it means to differentiate a service and provide an example to illustrate how the local nonprofit charity in the scenario can use the strategy to help increase target market interest.
  • Explain how differentiation will help position the organization.

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources – one must be from the text, and one must be from the University Library or video material. Use in-text citations in the presentation slides and speaker’s notes to demonstrate your research.

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