How Do Earnings Management Affect the Quality of Earnings

  • Please make sure your content relates to the topic.
  • Besides following the speech to write the relative content, you have to write a paragraph about how you do the research. It is better to put the paragraph (how you do the research) before the content.
  • Please DO NOT copy any words in the speech. You MUST use your OWN WORDS to write the paper.
  • Be sure to write you essay in the traditional scholarly essay format. A proper essay should contain an introduction with a thesis statement, several body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph with several outside, reliable research sources to support your arguments. Do Not Use Wikipedia and only use websites with: .edu and .gov. The only exception is if the website where you are getting your research is a scholarly database like DO NOT use Q&A format to write this essay. Each paragraph should has a transition sentence to connect another paragraph.
  • Each question should include at least one reliable research source, so the total number of research source should be at least 14.
  • There are 3 things (Fraudulent financial reporting, earnings management, and earnings quality) required to be written. Thus, make sure you assign the same amount of words to each theme.
  • Make sure all the things in the paper are get into the point. No unrelative word or idea should appear in the paper.

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