HURD Development of human resources stage# 2

this is a group presentation for ” Verizon Communication” . so my roll in stage #2 is :

1- write about the companies`s problem ( give me 3 problems/ one of the problem u need to write about is :

there is a conflict between the worker and his manager they dont give the manager his authorization or power . u need to fined 2 more problems

2- The second point overcome resistance If you find a solution from inside the company, we will add solutions from inside the company, if we do not find an inside solution for the company , then we will add solutions from the Organization Development


– APA style single space.peaper

– also put built point in a power point

– please heck the attachment about the model . so after you finish this assignment, only add a small paragraph about if the company used this attached model or not .

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