Unit 5 IP Personal Values and Treatment


A new township has been incorporated. The area of incorporation has had problems in the past with drug and alcohol addiction. You have been contracted because you were a forensic intake officer for the court at a local mental health facility. The town founder would like you to describe the critical steps in getting an addict into a rehabilitation program and, at the same time, giving him or her the maximum chance of post-rehabilitation success. The town founder would like to know what factors would contribute to the success of a program, and what would need to be done in terms of post-residential rehabilitation to keep the addict from returning to drug abuse.

This will be in a 3–5 page white paper submitted to the city council. You will present your report on the drug as a position paper for approval by the chief and his or her staff.

Your paper should address the following:

  • Explain the requirement for the appropriate attitude by the drug addict in terms of admitting addiction and requesting help to get well.
  • Describe issues in comparing and contrasting the rehabilitation effort requirements for persons who are addicted to different types of drugs.
  • Also consider issues pertaining to the length of time that the drugs were used.
  • Articulate at least 3 follow-up requirements for addicts who have successfully negotiated the residence treatment program.
  • Evaluate the success rate of most drug rehabilitation programs, and indicate why it is important that they continue to make efforts in rehabilitation.

Please submit your assignment.

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