final essay

Write a brief reflective essay on ONE of the following 10 topics. Your submission should be between 400 and 1200 words. The key is to relate a real experience to class material.

1. My Experience with Brain Injuries and Their Psychological Consequences.This paper should describe your personal experience with a brain injury – for example, your grandfather’s stroke or your friend’s brain injury after a car accident. The goal is to describe the brain injury and its psychological and behavioral consequences.Incorporate findings of psychological research on the brain, its function, and the effects of injuries to parts of the brain such as language centers, the frontal lobe, the cerebellum, the right versus left hemisphere, etc.

2. My (Airplane/dog/spider/height/whatever) Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain My Fear.This paper should describe a strong fear or phobia you have.Analyze the origins of your fear and try to explain it in terms of classical conditioning.This paper should include a brief description of classical conditioning and the major terms used in classical conditioning (e.g., CS, US, CR, and UR, generalization), and it should apply these terms and concepts to your example.Do you think classical conditioning provides a complete explanation for your fear?Does classical conditioning theory suggest ways you might reduce your fear?

3. Theories of Development:Chose either Piaget’s theory of stages of cognitive development, or Erikson’s psychosocial stage theory – and apply it to your own development.In this paper you need to briefly describe the developmental theory you choose and its terminology, and you need to apply the theory to you own life.For example, if you chose to apply Erikson’s psychosocial stage theory to your own life, you would describe events that occurred in infant, toddler, preschool, preadolescent, adolescent and young adult stages of your life and analyze how these events may have influenced your adult personality.

4. Analyzing my Masculinity (or Femininity) in Terms of Trait Theory and Social Learning Theory: Am I Consistently Masculine (or Feminine)?In this paper you should describe and analyze your masculine and feminine behaviors (e.g., your hobbies, your abilities, your style of grooming and dress, the way you move your body and your nonverbal behaviors, your ways of interacting with friends, family members, and boyfriends/girlfriends). Do you think you show consistent traits of masculinity or femininity – e.g., Are your masculine or feminine behaviors consistent over time and across situations?Or, do you think your masculine and feminine behaviors vary a lot depending on the situation you’re in and the people you are with?Do you think that you can be both masculine and feminine, or are these two kinds of behavior mutually exclusive?What do you think the origins are of your masculine and feminine behaviors – e.g., do these behaviors result from genes, hormones, brain differences between men and women, imitating your parents, modeling your friends, imitating celebrities in movies and TV, or what?

5. My Experience with False Memories.Give a personal example of a false memory – e.g., when you remembered incorrectly an important fact, when you or another gave false testimony in a criminal case or during a school incident, when someone falsely accused you of a crime or a misdemeanor, etc.Why do you think the false memory occurred?Relate your example to research on memory.Is memory an “exact picture” of what happened in the past, or do we all, to some extent, reconstruct our memories.Do you think we believe people’s memories (for example, eyewitness testimony in court cases) more than we should, given the fallibility of human memory?

6. Applying Memory Research to Studying. How do you study for school and for tests? Can you apply research and theory on memory (e.g., research on mnemonics, state-dependent memory, order effects, chunking of learned materials) to your study habits? Have you unknowingly already used certain memory principles when you studied in the past? Can memory research help you to study more effectively in the future? Give examples of memory principles you have used when studying and learning material in various classes.

1. When I Fell in Love: The Relevance of Three Theories of Emotion. Describe your experience of falling in love and apply three theories of emotion to your experience: the James-Lange theory, the Cannon-Bard theory, and the Schachter-Singer two-component theory of emotion. Which theory do you think best describes your experience of falling in love? Can “falling in love” be explained in scientific terms? How well do theories of emotion apply to this very intense experience? Do any of these theories of emotion help you to understand better you own experience of falling in love? Does “falling in love” share features with other strong emotions such as fear, anger, etc.? Is “falling in love” unique in some ways and different from other kinds of emotion?.

7. When I Fell in Love: The Relevance of Three Theories of Emotion. Describe your experience of falling in love and apply three theories of emotion to your experience: the James-Lange theory, the Cannon-Bard theory, and the Schachter-Singer two-component theory of emotion. Which theory do you think best describes your experience of falling in love? Can “falling in love” be explained in scientific terms? How well do theories of emotion apply to this very intense experience? Do any of these theories of emotion help you to understand better you own experience of falling in love? Does “falling in love” share features with other strong emotions such as fear, anger, etc.? Is “falling in love” unique in some ways and different from other kinds of emotion?

8. My Experience with Intelligence Tests. Describe a real-life example of when you or another person (a brother, sister, or a friend) took an intelligence test (at school, for a job application). Do you think the test was fair? What does it mean for such a test to be “fair”? Was the person who took the test misclassified (e.g., as “retarded” or not very bright) as a result of the score he or she received? Did the test results lead to a destructive “self-fulfilling prophecy” that influenced the person — for example, the results influenced teachers’ behavior toward the person or undermined the person’s self-esteem an led him or her not to work hard in school? Can intelligence test results sometimes have positive effects – e.g., leading teachers to provide more challenging instruction to “gifted” students? How much do you think people are “born with” their levels of intelligence, and how much do you think intelligence is affected by people’s environments? Do intelligence tests measure “innate” intelligence, or do they measure the effects of the person’s environment (e.g., whether or not you grew up in a disadvantaged neighborhood). Relate your personal account to research on intelligence and theories of intelligence, and briefly describe the history of intelligence testing.

9. A Real-Life Example of my Conformity (or Obedience, or Compliance). This paper should describe a real-life example when you conformed (behaved like others because of pressures from them), obeyed (followed others’ instructions or commands, perhaps even when the instructions or commands were immoral), or complied with another’s request (e.g., gave money to a no-good friend or to a questionable door-to-door solicitor). Describe how social pressures operate and how other people sometimes can get you to do things you don’t want to do. Relate your example to social psychological research on conformity, obedience, and/compliance. What are ways to resist unfair pressures to conform, obey, or comply?

10. Analyzing my Personality in Terms of Personality Theories. Pick at least two personality theories – e.g., trait theories, social learning theories, Freudian theories – and analyze your own personality in terms of them. Describe what you think are the central traits or features of your personality. Questions to address in your paper: Is your behavior (e.g., your level of extraversion, your conscientiousness, your level of morality) consistent across situations and over time? Have some aspects of your personality changed a lot because of changes in your social environment (e.g., your friends, where you live)? Many of you are college freshmen. Do you think your personality will change as a result of your new college environment, which leads you to be exposed to many new kinds of people and new ideas? Do you think your personality results mostly from biological factors (your genes, hormones, brain chemistry) or from environmental factors (the way your parents reared you). Do you think some of the factors that motivate your behavior and mold your personality are unconscious? Do you always fully understand why you do what you do and why you have the traits you do? Relate your discussion to research and to theories of personality (e.g., trait models of personality such as the Big Five model, behavior genetic research, Freudian theory, etc.).

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