Help writing interview paper

Health Care Facility Marketing

For completing this course project, you will demonstrate an ability to investigate, analyze, and critique the marketing efforts of specific health care facilities and apply this knowledge, along with your studies of marketing basics, to the overall role marketing plays in health care management.

To successfully complete this assignment, you will be expected to utilize material and learning from your course studies, as well as your interview experiences to discuss the following in both overall and specific levels within health care facility marketing efforts and plans:

  • Assess the patient perspective of quality and services.
  • Analyze market research in the health care environment to develop a marketing plan that is in line with a strategic plan.
  • Analyze competitive forces in the market place in determining strategy.
  • Analyze common internal sources of quantitative information utilized in strategic decision making.
  • Analyze critical strategic challenges facing the health care organization.
  • Describe the last new service offered at each hospital and how they were marketed.

Additional Requirements

Your paper meet the following additional requirements:

  • Include the following for your final paper:
    • Cover page.
    • Introduction.
    • Sections addressing each of the six grading criteria in the scoring guide.
    • Conclusion.
    • Reference page with a minimum of five resources.
  • Be sure to follow current APA style and format for resources and in-text citations.

Tips for Each Section

  • Assess the patient perspective of quality and services.
    • For this section, write about the ways that health care facilities can assess the patient’s perspective of the quality of care and services they provide. Discuss why this is important and the pros and cons with different methods. Please use examples from your interviews to help explain and back up the theory from the course.
  • Analyze market research in the health care environment to develop a marketing plan that is in line with a strategic plan.
    • For this section, explain how important market research is to developing marketing plans, how facilities go about doing it, and how best to make sure that you are staying in alignment with the overall strategic plan of the facility or organization. Again, you can include actual examples from your interviews to show strengthen your ideas.
  • Analyze competitive forces in the market place in determining strategy.
    • Discuss this in detail from what you learned about the types of competitive forces that exist for facilities when they are making their overall strategic plans and marketing plans. Refer to the course material directly and the examples that you gathered in your interviews.
  • Analyze common internal sources of quantitative information utilized in strategic decision making.
    • Identify and discuss in detail the type of quantitative information, data, statistics, et cetera, that health care organizations need to gather and make sense of to be able to put together effective strategic plans and marketing plans for their organization. Be sure to include who provides the information internally for upper management. You should back up your ideas with what you gathered from your interviews here as well.
  • Analyze critical strategic challenges facing the health care organization.
    • You should have gotten some good examples of critical strategic challenges identified in your interviews. You have also been researching the different types of issues that are out there in our health care system today with all the changes we are experiencing. These are the types of things you need to identify and discuss how and why they are creating challenges for health care managers and organizations.
  • Describe the last new service offered at each hospital and how they were marketed.
    • This section comes directly from the interviews and the Web site evaluations you did. Describe the latest product or service and how it was taken through the marketing process by the marketing professionals you interviewed.

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